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Back Delhi Earthquake Today: Massive earthquake tremors felt in Delhi-NCR, epicentre in Nepal

Back Delhi Earthquake Today

On Tuesday, October 3 2023 Nepal experienced an earthquake measuring 6.2 on the magnitude scale. The impact of this event was felt in parts of India including New Delhi, the capital. The epicenter of the earthquake was identified at coordinates 29.39 degrees north latitude and 81.23 degrees east longitude, in Nepal indicating a occurrence in the region.

Back Delhi Earthquake Today
Back Delhi Earthquake Today

The Effects of the Earthquake

The tremors caused by the earthquake were powerful enough to prompt people in New Delhi and its surrounding areas to quickly evacuate their homes and office buildings. Streets became filled with citizens seeking safety outdoors for some time. Thankfully there have been no reports of any damage in either India or Nepal.

A Series of Earthquakes

This particular earthquake was part of a series of four tremors that struck Nepal on that Tuesday. Its epicenter was located 206 kilometers southeast of Joshimath, a town in Uttarakhand and about 284 kilometers north of Lucknow the capital city of Uttar Pradesh. These events serve as reminders of how susceptible India's to activity due to its location, along an active fault line.


The earthquake that struck Nepal on Tuesday, October 3, 2023, was a significant event, and it is important to be aware of the potential risks posed by earthquakes in India and other seismically active regions.

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