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Formation Of The Earth

Formation Of The Earth

It is very important for every one that. how was started everything in universe. so today we will learn about earth how was born the earth 4.5 Billions years ago

  • Formation
Earth did not always exist within this expansive universe, and it was not always a hospitable haven for life. After the Big Bang, the Earth was also born along with all the planets, when the dust particles were moving, then due to gravity, the dust particles started colliding with each other, gradually it takes the shape of the Earth. Due to its large size, its gravity also increases, due to which meteorites keep falling on it for millions of years. Due to which the whole becomes red due to heat. After being like this for millions of years, the earth cools down. Then for millions of years meteorites fall, but this time with water comes a lot more. Gradually, the fall of the meteor body decreases. But on earth clouds of chemicals are formed in the sky. Due to which the sunlight does not reach the earth and it rains chemically for millions of years. Then after the rain stops, the earth starts cooling down and subtle life starts taking birth.

  •  Atmosphere
Gases in earth atmosphere 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen, 0.9 percent argon, and 0.1 percent other gases.

  • Part of  atmosphere:-
  1. Troposphere
  2. Stratosphere
  3. Mesosphere
  4. Thermosphere
  5. Exosphere

  •  Part of the earth
  1.  Geosphere
  2.  lithosphere 
  3.  crust
  4.  mesosphere
  5.  mantle
  6.  core
  7.  asthenosphere
  8.  tectonic plates

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